When FaithxThreads contacted me about a collaboration and ask which of their tees i would like sent, my simple reply was any lovely design would do. I didn't think the parcel i was about to receive would become my slogan for 2018.

The back of my dress shirt reads IGOTCHU! Ordinarily, this would mean nothing more than a random slogan to me, however this came at a time when i was going through a really tough time in my life and as i read the words out, the bible verse Isaiah 46:4 jumped at me and it made sense and meaning.

I GOT YOU! It was (still is ) like hearing the voice of God saying "keep going baby girl, I got you". This has become my watch word. Anytime life hit me hard, i look around and say 'i know You are there and You have my back, so i will keep pushing through this mess'.

Yesterday, i listened to Oprah's Essence's 2016 speech and it literally brought me to tears and renewed commitment in my faith. Here is one of the richest and most influential women in the the world, putting it all down to surrendering to God and knowing He has a bigger plan than any of us can see.

I don't know what you may be going through right now, in whatever aspect of your life, but i tell you if you lay it all down at His feet, you will see that HE'S GOT YOU. I am not saying all your problems will go away in one night, but you will definitely find purpose, and breakthrough, and joy and peace that surpasses all understanding.

Life can be really difficult sometimes, it takes you by surprise, questions all your believes and push you to your limit. I get it, i have been through it (still going through) and i am saying to you, just hold on, be still and God will show up for you.

hope this post has blessed you. Please leave a comment, let me know what your watch word for this year is and let's encourage one another. Many thanks and stay winning ..xoxox